Breakfast has changed

Audrey has done great with her cereal this week. It is fun for her to be at this new stage, the only problem is that she was my easiest child to get ready. Wake, quick feed, dressed, and we are out the door. Now that 25 min process has been stretched to an hour to allow for her to have a real breakfast. Luckily, summer is coming and maybe we can all eat breakfast together instead of Alyssa before the bus, Megan at 7:45 and Audrey at 8:30. I vote for everyone to sleep until 8:00, then we can all eat together. Any objections?


I don’t remember the time before Alison was born, seems she was always there. Basically always around. We did elementary, middle, and high school together. All the ups and downs Noz was there. Part confidant, part instigator. Part friend, part combatant. In other words the perfect blend of best friend and kid sister. I can’t imagine doing it any other way.

And to mark her achievement of thirty years I was going to list all of Alison’s various injuries or illnesses but that would take, well thirty years. So instead I will highlight my favorite three.

1. Rolling down the driveway on the skateboard on your chest, hitting the hose, falling off, and finally scraping off your face. Not literally but pretty darn close. Brother in charge: me.

2. Slipping on rocks in a creek bed while on vacation, opening a huge gash requiring stitches, and sidetracking Mom and Dad for hours. Brother in charge: me. (Although Adam did carry you back to the cabin.)

3. Finally, signing up for a coed soccer league, playing every Sunday with me, crashing into some dude who wasn’t looking and breaking your collar bone, which grounded you for months. Brother in charge: me.

Why are these my favorite three? Not because of their horrific, and somewhat bemusing outcomes. Certainly not because they are the worst you’ve been through. No, you have been through worse with all the  grace and dignity you could muster, and steadfast service to your loving God. These are my favorites because we did them together. You were always the friend to hang out with, the playmate I could always count on, the sister when I needed support. And the crazy thing is even with all the injuries and times I messed up, said the wrong thing, or behaved poorly you still came back for more. That’s how I knew you loved me.

I look back on all the fun and stupid stuff we did (remember trying to climb up on the frozen roof, you really would have followed me anywhere) and I hope that it shaped you to become the beautiful woman you are today.

I am amazed at your faith.

I am amazed at your commitment.

I am amazed at your honesty. 😉

I am amazed at your perseverance.

I am amazed at your service.

I am amazed at your really bad luck.

I am amazed at your ability to put up with me all these years.

So thanks Noz for all the fun and the laughter. All the serious talks and life moments. Thanks for the honesty and support. You are the perfect kid sister and I can’t wait for another 30.

Happy Birthday and Merry Chirstmas.


Hardly a break

We flew into Houston for spring break last week and will head home tomorrow. It seems there is always someone to see and things to do when we visit that I am not sure we got much rest. But at least I didn’t have to do laundry or dishes, actually had a date with my husband, and went to the coast for some bird watching together… ever seen a flock of pelicans flying in formation above your head? So here is our week in short:

We spent some time with my brother and his family:

Alyssa and cousins

Brother Brad and my dad

Braden, the oldest grandchild with the youngest

We celebrated Lauren’s 2nd birthday and played for the day:

I wanted to sign up Alyssa and Megan for swim lessons when we return in June, so Megan had to take her evaluation class. She did great. Walked right in the door to the pool with her instructor and did what she was asked. She only slipped off the step once while waiting for her turn. Luckily the instructor was right there to scoop her out of the water. Where is the panic button in that place?

We visited with friends and just hung out. It is nice to come home and see our family, but God has a funny way of showing you that he knew all along what he was doing. And we are in the right place for our family right now. We are so happy to be in Tennessee.

Audrey did roll for the first time from back to stomach…or so I hear. I was on a date.

And Megan has taken coloring to a new level.

God is alive

And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.  Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds,  I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life.  Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.”

For us, this also reminds us that Noah is alive and well in heaven. It is like a little sign from him saying “hi”, especially to Alyssa. She looked out the front door yesterday screaming for joy, “come look mom!” I can’t help but to be truly amazed everytime I see a rainbow.


I cannot believe this little girl is my baby…my last baby. Today, she is 4 months old. I see newborns and I think to myself that my baby is not like that anymore. She doesn’t curl up in my neck when I lay on the couch. Instead she constantly raises her head and bumps me in the lip. She doesn’t need me to hold her pacifier while she falls asleep. Instead she can soothe herself with her own thumb. She doesn’t need the professional swaddle job that only I can do. Instead I can just lay her down and she is good. She doesn’t need me to protect her from the actions of her big sisters. Instead she loves when they interact with her.

Of course all of these things are great. But they mean that she is only one step further from being my little baby. Why do they grow up so fast? And why did I get so frustrated in those moments that I now miss? Why can’t I just slow down and truly enjoy this time? Because I know in a short while I will look up and my girls will be all grown. It makes me just a bit sad to think of that day. So for now, we will play on the floor. We will smile and coo at each other. I will watch as you discover your hands, your tongue and your feet. I will help you learn to sit so you can see the world in a whole new view. I will enjoy those moments of what seem like endless feedings, because soon enough you will not need me for that anymore either. Lord, slow me down to enjoy this time of motherhood. Give me patience and peace knowing I am doing for my girls what no one else can do. And I am being exactly what you created me to be right now.


I think it is a blessing that I have few friends. Because those few friends are real, true friends. I can say anything to them, I can ask anything of them. One of them is Melissa. She lives in Oregon with her husband, Jeff. They have been married almost 2 years and are expecting their first baby. Melissa and I met at ACU in Nelson Dorm. I don’t even remember how we met it just seemed we were always friends. We made fun of people together, we had classes together, we ate bkfast, lunch, dinner together, we snuck out to go dancing together. (You were not allowed to go to those places at ACU.) We were roommates for the next 3 years and learned a lot about each other. Now we try to keep up and see each other every year, but this time it had been too long. Mel Mel came to meet Audrey and see our life in Nashville. We had a great weekend which included Blue Bird Cafe, Mellow Mushroom, Carnton House, Maniacs and even some lazy time at home. Thank you Mel Mel for visiting. Thank you for loving my kids like your own and not once grimacing at Megan’s screeching. Thank you for being comfortable enough to stay in PJs all day with me. Thank you for your friendship. I am blessed to call you my friend.

The little one

Audrey is up to cute stuff now. She talks quite a bit when someone will pay attention to her. She kicks and squirms like she has ants in her pants, which is great to bounce herself in her bouncer. She was hitting her hanging animal from her bouncer seat (playing with may be stretching it). And she was caught sucking the two middle fingers on her hand. uh-oh. Of course, it didn’t matter that I took the stairs 4 at a time trying to get back up with the camera, I missed the picture. She has been chewing on her fist for awhile, but is still working out the decision between fingers, thumb or paci. Here is her cooing at almost 3 months. For fun, compare it to Alyssa’s cooing video.  I think they look a little alike and I love that the same spider toy is in the background.