Half way and steppin’ out

So, yesterday was cycle #4 of the 1st round. Which means, I am half way done with chemotherapy. Seems like I should be celebrating, but I guess the 12 more weeks of round 2 and 6 weeks of radiation are dampering my excitement a bit. But honest, seriously, let me rejoice that I made it through the hardest part. The 1st round drugs are the harshest, the side effects have all taken effect and I am still kickin’. Still singing, still laughing, still here.  So, yes, I should pause and praise God for getting me this far. I will worry about tomorrow when it comes.

I guess I have missed the opportunity in updating my friends on the last few cycles. #2 and #3 were the toughest. I have not been sick or even nauseous, but just feeling down. Tired, wiped, not myself. I think those feelings lead to a saddened state in which I wallow around in for a few days. Then by Monday, I am usually on my way back up and can have a good 10 days before it starts over. I have picked up my running and biking again and that really helps. After cycle #4, yesterday, I did not have to go back and get the Newlastin shot that helps boost my white blood cells. They have remained high – because of the shot, and since it was my last cycle I didn’t need it. So I am very curious to see how much of my side effects were the shot or the actually chemo drugs. Because as of right now, I am doing better than the last 2 cycles. Alyssa has been in VBS all week, so this morning me and lil’ girls ran a few errands then watched Alyssa’s final day program and had lunch with Ethan. It has been a busy day and I still feel good. Hopefully it will continue through the weekend.

I will start round 2 in two weeks which is supposed to be more tolerable. And I will have 3 weeks between each treatment so that will allow for more good days. We have a lot of family and friends coming to visit us this summer since we can’t make it back to Texas. And we are hoping to take a little vacation in late July.

So that is the drug story, now you are all wondering about Julie’s hair – aren’t you? After cycle #1 we shaved it off. Ethan did a fabulous job for his first cut and the girls came and went and watched. They asked questions and Alyssa was concerned what people would think of me with no hair, but in all they took it like champs. We shared a few emotional moments in the cutting process, but it was just another step in the journey. Over the last 4 weeks, I have seen it go from  your typical summer crew cut to almost completely bald. It just slowly came out and each day it would seem a little more. I do not enjoy walking past the mirror, but it is what it is. I am thankful that I can walk around the house and have even ventured in the yard with nothing on my head. Imagine wearing a hat all day long, sometimes your head just needs to breathe. The girls don’t seem to mind and when people are in my house, get ready because you might see the full monty [head]. But when I go out, I have lots of options. I have made a few, bought some fabric that I can just tie around my head, had accessories given to me to dress it up and the latest…. well, see for yourself.

I never thought I would want a wig, but I just love it. I was just missing hair. I got over the self-conscience feeling of being out and this is just for me. Who knows maybe I will just keep the color. Thanks for checking in and I will keep you updated as treatment and hairstyles continue. Love you, friends.

19 thoughts on “Half way and steppin’ out

  1. AHHHH!!!! I LOVE IT!! That color is awesome!!!
    I love that pretty smile!! You look great with or without hair~
    I love you & miss you! Only a few more weeks and the kiddos are coming to town!
    love you~

  2. I love the wig. You look so pretty with this cut and color! You should definitely try it when your hair grows back!

  3. I’ve always wanted to try a darker hair color…maybe we can do it together! Hoping to see you very soon! Love you!!

  4. You look great – full monty OR sassy wig!! I remember the first time my mom’s hair fell out from chemo. We ALL cried. Then one day between her chemo cycles I found her in the bathroom ripping the new hair out with duct tape because she didn’t like all the little short hairs everywhere… Once I stopped laughing, we started shaving it.
    Hang in there girl! I think of you and your sweet family often and always look forward to your posts!

  5. I LOVE the hats you made. You are so creative. I also like the brown hair and bob cut. Looks so good on you! Hoping your energy stays up these next few days. Praying for you sweet lady.

  6. Love, love, love that hair color on you Julie!! Looks fabulous! Your fabric hats are adorable, too and I have no doubt that even “full monty” you look great, too! Glad to read this update and hear that you are doing well. Hang in there!

  7. Julie I love the dark hair. You look beautiful with or withour hair. You have that beautiful smile and glow about you. Sam and I are praying for you every day.

  8. Yeah! Halfway done with chemo….definitely something to celebrate. Glad you are still smiling and laughing. You are beautiful inside and out!

  9. Just keep swimming, just keep swimming… (Dory’s advice on Finding Nemo) Bravo mama! What a great attitude. You don’t even mean to…but you inspire those of us who watch you. Halfway is a big milestone. Cheers from Abilene. We LOVE bald heads around here. 🙂

    Mandy Flaming

  10. Love the sassy scarfs, wig & that you are moving positively through this journey! Praying every day. Love ya.

  11. I loved the natural look!! 🙂 The wig is very pretty and I hope it keeps you feeling sassy. Hope you all had a great weekend and everyone got to enjoy you feeling better! Love you guys!

  12. So glad to see an update! The pictures are great. I love the wraps and the wig both! Still praying for you as you go through this journey.

  13. Julie-

    You just look beautiful. We pray for you daily, asking the Lord to bring complete healing to your body. We pray for each member of your family; may they (and you)continue to feel the Lord’s strength as you go through each day.

  14. hi Sweetie

    we continue to pray for you here in Montana. Love the scarves. we actually make them here as part of our Monday Night for the Master for the cancer patients here locally. Our church team will be participating in the Relay for Life once again this year and you’ll have a luminaria on the field from us!

    Love and Hugs
    Norm and Toni

  15. Julie,
    I was so glad to see your update. I’ve been thinking about you and praying for you recently. You amaze me with your positive attitude and I think you are gorgeous, no matter what is on your head. I do like the wig, though. The cut and color are great. Keep smiling, sweet girl. You are lifted up in prayer often and loved a lot.

  16. Love, Love, Love the brunette wig!! You should so keep it (the color). You never cease to amaze me with your determination and strong will and desire!!! Keep fighting!

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