Good medicine

Proverbs 17:22

“A cheerful heart is good medicine,
but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength.”

I had a friend share this verse with me today. She was commenting on my outward appearance at a recent event. While I cannot say that I am trying to live out this proverb, I can say it gives me a little reassurance that what I am feeling right now is okay. Because right now I don’t feel sad, or disappointed, or honestly even scared. I feel anxious, I feel nervous about what my future holds. But the look on my face, or the attitude I am portraying when we meet is really what my heart feels. And for right now that is contentment. Allowing myself to laugh, play and be happy when I feel like it. And sad or angry when I feel that too.

This week Ethan and I met with an oncologist. We learned way more about cancer than I really thought I needed to know. But it was a great visit and the doctor was great – he even took notes for me. He suggested that I did the BRCA testing. In normal cells, BRCA1 and BRCA2 help ensure the stability of the cell’s genetic material (DNA) and help prevent uncontrolled cell growth. Mutation of these genes has been linked to the development of hereditary breast and ovarian cancer. I hope to have the results back by next week and we will make our decision for my surgery. We discussed all the possible treatments that I may need after surgery is done and the cancer is studied. It can range from best case scenario being only radiation to worst case surgery, chemo, possible hormone therapy and radiation.

For now, I am just taking it a day at a time and with each day comes a little more information. I have my family. I have friends around me, support from all sides. I have my mom this week, and my dad and one of the best friends I could ever have coming next week. I have neighbors I can talk to any time of the day. I have a church supporting me. And in 3 days, I will be honored to experience one of the greatest parties ever, all because you love me. And that, my friends, is a feeling that everyone needs to know.

7 thoughts on “Good medicine

  1. What an encouragement to read this first thing this morning! Loving you, praying for you, and missing you! Hi, Donna!

  2. You are as much of an encouragement to those who know you, as they are to you. You are amazing Julie! We love you…

  3. Julie,

    You don’t know me…but we share one thing in common..and that is our faith! We are both children of the most HIGH!
    A co-worker shared with me your story and I was moved to be a blessing to you and your family. As you fight thru this battle, know that you are not alone; for the Lord says that “He will never leave, nor forsake us.” This you can count on….
    May the joy of the Lord be your strength during this time..Keep the faith and believe that the best is yet to come!

    Every Blessing,

    Angel Crowder

  4. Julie,
    We recently learned about your health situation and Chad and I have just been in such disbelief that you are having to walk this journey. We are lifting you, Ethan, Alyssa, Megan, and Audrey up in our prayers. I have always been so encouraged by your strength of spirit and your faith; it has been such a testimony to our God never failing us and His unspeakable love. We know He will give strength and even joy along this road too and we will be faithful to remember your family in our prayers.
    In Him,
    Chad & Ashley Baker

  5. Julie, Ethan, and girls–We love you so very much. We are praying and thinking of you all the time. God continue to give you contentment, peace when the anxiety creeps in, and strength to face whichever emotion is in front of you–good, bad, or ugly. Praying for all the decisions you are making. Love you guys so much!

  6. Julie,
    I just found time to do a little blog reading and have been sitting here in shock reading your blog. Your faith has always been an inspiration to me and still continues to amaze me. Please know that we will be praying for you, Ethan, and the girls from Texas.

  7. Julie, you are in my prayers and thoughts every day! We know that God hears us and wants the best for you and your family. I imagine that you think other people are helping you right now, but you are encouraging me and so many others by proclaiming the True Word of God and living in Faith!

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