I don’t remember the time before Alison was born, seems she was always there. Basically always around. We did elementary, middle, and high school together. All the ups and downs Noz was there. Part confidant, part instigator. Part friend, part combatant. In other words the perfect blend of best friend and kid sister. I can’t imagine doing it any other way.

And to mark her achievement of thirty years I was going to list all of Alison’s various injuries or illnesses but that would take, well thirty years. So instead I will highlight my favorite three.

1. Rolling down the driveway on the skateboard on your chest, hitting the hose, falling off, and finally scraping off your face. Not literally but pretty darn close. Brother in charge: me.

2. Slipping on rocks in a creek bed while on vacation, opening a huge gash requiring stitches, and sidetracking Mom and Dad for hours. Brother in charge: me. (Although Adam did carry you back to the cabin.)

3. Finally, signing up for a coed soccer league, playing every Sunday with me, crashing into some dude who wasn’t looking and breaking your collar bone, which grounded you for months. Brother in charge: me.

Why are these my favorite three? Not because of their horrific, and somewhat bemusing outcomes. Certainly not because they are the worst you’ve been through. No, you have been through worse with all the  grace and dignity you could muster, and steadfast service to your loving God. These are my favorites because we did them together. You were always the friend to hang out with, the playmate I could always count on, the sister when I needed support. And the crazy thing is even with all the injuries and times I messed up, said the wrong thing, or behaved poorly you still came back for more. That’s how I knew you loved me.

I look back on all the fun and stupid stuff we did (remember trying to climb up on the frozen roof, you really would have followed me anywhere) and I hope that it shaped you to become the beautiful woman you are today.

I am amazed at your faith.

I am amazed at your commitment.

I am amazed at your honesty. 😉

I am amazed at your perseverance.

I am amazed at your service.

I am amazed at your really bad luck.

I am amazed at your ability to put up with me all these years.

So thanks Noz for all the fun and the laughter. All the serious talks and life moments. Thanks for the honesty and support. You are the perfect kid sister and I can’t wait for another 30.

Happy Birthday and Merry Chirstmas.


2 thoughts on “30

  1. oh how fitting that I just discovered this beautiful birthday blog entry from my brother – 8 days later. 🙂 Man, does that tell anyone how busy I am?? Crazy! Well, I was serving… haha, and working and feeding Ryan and all the other stuff I do all week long. Thanks for this very sweet and very appreciated post, bro. Sorry it took me so long to respond. I think about all of those times I would have followed you anywhere all the time. They are some of our best memories – because you know I can’t remember the ones that didn’t end up in the emergency room or with a traumatic injury. I wish I could be more a part of your life these days, but we definitely all feel we are where God wants us to be. Thanks for honoring me – it means a lot. We love and miss you guys everyday! Merry Chirstmas back at you.

  2. p.s. God probably moved us states apart to limit the number of injuries I incur in a year. That’s all part of his plan to see me to 40. 🙂
    Also, I love the artwork. Going to put that on my desktop for future enjoyment. I have a feeling your wife may have had something to do with that – thanks Julie!

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