To Megan

This first month has gone by so fast. I know everyone says that, but I cannot believe you have been here with us for 1 month already. I still look at you and wonder how you were made so perfectly. I look at your head and imagine how your brain is working and it makes me think of what Noah’s was doing compared to yours. Why was he born the way he was and you are so perfect? It makes me sad, but it makes me SO thankful. I can look at you and see so much of Alyssa in your facial expressions, and I look at my one good picture of Noah and imagine that you look like him too.

This month has been full of adjustments for all of us, but I think we are finally getting the hang of it. You are staying awake more during the day and less at night, thankfully. You enjoy your story time with Alyssa and like to hang out with Daddy on the couch. You are starting to look around at toys (when we remember to give you one) and are discovering your hands. You give me lots of cute smiles, but Daddy says they aren’t real. I still like them and pretend they are just for me. I am trying to get you to coo, but no luck yet. Thanks for bringing such joy to our house.

2 thoughts on “To Megan

  1. very very sweet – I’m sure Megan will treasure your words and memories of her brother.

    Sue Young
    Brooklyn, New York

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